A User-Friendly Guide to BPS Assessment’s Prescribing Tools

Teaching prescribing can be tricky, with many professors and academics struggling for time and resources. But with BPS Assessment’s suite of prescribing tools, institutions have access to a collection of resources developed specifically to improve prescribing and patient safety. Let’s delve into the range of products offered and how they cater to your needs.


1. Prescribing Skills Assessment

The Prescribing Skills Assessment, not to be confused with the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) stands as a cornerstone for evaluating prescribing proficiency among medical and healthcare students. Its assessment framework taken from the UK PSA not only measures theoretical knowledge but also assesses practical prescribing skills in simulated clinical scenarios. By utilising this formative exam, institutions can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, enabling targeted interventions and ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for safe and effective prescribing in clinical practice.


2. eLearning Modules

Our eLearning modules serve as dynamic supplements to traditional teaching methods, catering to diverse learning styles. These interactive modules cover a wide range of prescribing topics, from pharmacology principles to drug interactions, allowing students to deepen their understanding at their own pace. With engaging content and real-world case studies, these modules enhance theoretical knowledge and practical skills, providing a comprehensive learning experience for medical, pharmacy and nursing programs alike.


3. CPT Elective

The Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) elective offers a unique opportunity for medical students to immerse themselves in the world of prescribing. Through hands-on clinical scenarios and expert guidance, students gain invaluable experience in making evidence-based prescribing decisions, understanding drug mechanisms, and managing patient medications effectively. As part of this elective course students will first test their existing knowledge with our pre-course knowledge check, then work through a series of eLearning sessions to strengthen their skills and understanding. Lastly, they will complete a final assessment to evaluate their clinical reasoning and decision-making skills but also their preparedness for complex prescribing in diverse healthcare settings. 


4. Platform Licensing Offering

For institutions seeking a comprehensive prescribing solution, we offer platform licensing. This customisable option provides access to a suite of prescribing tools, including the prescribing platform, question authoring console with question templates and drug bank, each of which can be tailored to meet specific institutional needs. With flexible licensing arrangements and ongoing support, institutions can integrate these tools seamlessly into their curriculum, ensuring a cohesive and effective approach to teaching prescribing.


By leveraging these prescribing tools, institutions can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters competence and confidence among aspiring healthcare professionals. Embrace innovation, empower learners, and elevate the standard of prescribing education with BPS Assessment. Take a look at our products and services page or get in touch with the team to arrange a platform demo.