Empowering Future Healthcare Professionals: Prescribing Resources for Medical and Foundation Schools

At BPS Assessment, we are committed to enriching the education and practical capabilities of future healthcare professionals through our advanced suite of eLearning and assessment tools. Medical and Foundation schools all over the world are using our high-quality, accessible learning and assessment resources to ensure that their students can prescribe safely and effectively.


Extensive eLearning Resources

Our eLearning courses feature a broad range of modules, carefully developed by prescribing experts and peer-reviewed to ensure the highest quality. These modules are designed to blend seamlessly with traditional classroom learning, offering students the convenience of studying at their own pace, from anywhere, at any time. The content spans essential topics such as drug administration techniques, clinical pharmacology, and medication management, providing a comprehensive education in prescribing practices.


Prescribing Skills Assessment

The Prescribing Skills Assessment is a pioneering online tool designed to assist educational bodies and healthcare organisations in assessing and enhancing prescribing competencies. Based on the UK PSA blueprint, it has been adapted for global use and can be tailored to different regional medical databases. The Prescribing Skills Assessment evaluates essential prescribing competencies and provides immediate, detailed feedback, crucial for learners to identify both their strengths and areas for improvement.


Platform Licensing

BPS Assessment’s cloud-based platform enables educators to design and deliver customised assessments directly to students. Our platform offers an array of question templates with detailed feedback options, incorporates a regularly updated drug bank of over 7000 prescriptions, and features automated marking and review tools to efficiently identify student challenges. Accessible on any device, our intuitive interface enhances prescribing education through expert-developed, peer-reviewed content.


Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) Elective

Our two-week CPT Elective provides an intensive, expert-developed learning programme, with automated marking that minimises teacher admin. It covers key prescribing topics such as PKPD, medication errors, ADRs and monitoring drug therapies, and includes pre-course assessments and a detailed final assessment so you can measure student progress.


Global Collaboration and Reach

BPS Assessment’s online resources are being used by an ever-expanding network of global partners. We collaborate closely with educational institutions in regions such as Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, North America, and the UK to enhance prescribing practices and reduce medication errors. Our commitment to international collaboration ensures our resources remain cutting-edge and relevant across global healthcare education standards.

If you’d like to request a demonstration of any of our products or talk to us about a free trial, please get in touch. Empowering the next generation of healthcare professionals begins here!




Prescribing with Precision: How BPS Assessment Elevates International Medical Education Standards

Accurate prescribing is, of course, critical to ensuring patient safety and effective treatment outcomes. But to improve prescribing precision, we first need to improve prescribing education. BPS Assessment is at the forefront of elevating prescribing education standards, partnering with universities and institutions all over the world to deliver high quality learning and assessment resources.


Our flagship product, the Prescribing Skills Assessment, is an online assessment tool for organisations looking to measure and improve prescribing safety and skill. Based on the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA), its questions are suitable from an undergraduate to a professional level.


Developed in close collaboration with leading experts and educators, the Prescribing Skills Assessment is grounded in the realities of clinical practice, ensuring its relevance across diverse healthcare settings. The content can be adapted to suit local education and prescribing practice in different countries, making it a valuable tool for medical and pharmacy schools all over the world.


Our eLearning resources are designed to support learning for the Prescribing Skills Assessment, and are split into two key sections: Prescribing Skills and Clinical Pharmacology. eLearning sessions are accessible anytime, anywhere through our online platform, so students can revisit topics on demand and continually test their knowledge.


Our collaborations with international medical and pharmacy schools have already been instrumental in elevating prescribing education. Some highlights include:


Partnership with Misr International University

Misr International University (MIU) is taking a pioneering step in the Egyptian educational landscape, partnering with BPS Assessment to provide the Prescribing Skills Assessment to their pharmacy students. The students will now have the opportunity to showcase their critical thinking, clinical acumen, and hone their prescribing capabilities. They will navigate specific and realistic clinical scenarios, mirroring the challenges they might encounter in their professional journey. As MIU’s pharmacy students prepare to make history as the first cohort in Egypt to undertake this milestone, we recognise the dedication and commitment of both the institution and its students to advancing their prescribing education.


Gulf Medical University’s Pursuit of Excellence

Gulf Medical University stands as a testament to the transformative power of the Prescribing Skills Assessment. PharmD students at the university embarked on a comprehensive journey of learning and evaluation, aimed at mastering the nuances of safe and effective prescribing. This partnership has set a new benchmark for pharmacy education in the region, and will have a significant impact on patient medication safety and the prescribing capabilities of GMU pharmacy graduates.


Empowering Prescribing Skills in the Middle East

BPS Assessment supported faculty development workshops that took place at Gulf Medical University College of Pharmacy and Saudi German Hospital in the UAE in May 2023. These workshops aimed to weave prescribing skills into the pharmacy curriculum, providing an opportunity for educators to network with experts and participate in demonstration assessments on the BPS Assessment platform.We used our expertise in medical education to offer insights and guidance to attendees, empowering them with innovative tools and resources needed to effectively teach future healthcare professionals about this complex subject. The participation of BPS Assessment in these workshops underscored its ongoing commitment to enhancing healthcare education and patient outcomes in the Middle East, highlighting a significant step forward in promoting safe and effective prescribing practices.

Together, we can elevate international prescribing education standards and improve patient safety. Get in touch today for more information about our learning and assessment products, or find out more about the Prescribing Skills Assessment here.

A User-Friendly Guide to BPS Assessment’s Prescribing Tools

Teaching prescribing can be tricky, with many professors and academics struggling for time and resources. But with BPS Assessment’s suite of prescribing tools, institutions have access to a collection of resources developed specifically to improve prescribing and patient safety. Let’s delve into the range of products offered and how they cater to your needs.


1. Prescribing Skills Assessment

The Prescribing Skills Assessment, not to be confused with the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) stands as a cornerstone for evaluating prescribing proficiency among medical and healthcare students. Its assessment framework taken from the UK PSA not only measures theoretical knowledge but also assesses practical prescribing skills in simulated clinical scenarios. By utilising this formative exam, institutions can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, enabling targeted interventions and ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for safe and effective prescribing in clinical practice.


2. eLearning Modules

Our eLearning modules serve as dynamic supplements to traditional teaching methods, catering to diverse learning styles. These interactive modules cover a wide range of prescribing topics, from pharmacology principles to drug interactions, allowing students to deepen their understanding at their own pace. With engaging content and real-world case studies, these modules enhance theoretical knowledge and practical skills, providing a comprehensive learning experience for medical, pharmacy and nursing programs alike.


3. CPT Elective

The Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CPT) elective offers a unique opportunity for medical students to immerse themselves in the world of prescribing. Through hands-on clinical scenarios and expert guidance, students gain invaluable experience in making evidence-based prescribing decisions, understanding drug mechanisms, and managing patient medications effectively. As part of this elective course students will first test their existing knowledge with our pre-course knowledge check, then work through a series of eLearning sessions to strengthen their skills and understanding. Lastly, they will complete a final assessment to evaluate their clinical reasoning and decision-making skills but also their preparedness for complex prescribing in diverse healthcare settings. 


4. Platform Licensing Offering

For institutions seeking a comprehensive prescribing solution, we offer platform licensing. This customisable option provides access to a suite of prescribing tools, including the prescribing platform, question authoring console with question templates and drug bank, each of which can be tailored to meet specific institutional needs. With flexible licensing arrangements and ongoing support, institutions can integrate these tools seamlessly into their curriculum, ensuring a cohesive and effective approach to teaching prescribing.


By leveraging these prescribing tools, institutions can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters competence and confidence among aspiring healthcare professionals. Embrace innovation, empower learners, and elevate the standard of prescribing education with BPS Assessment. Take a look at our products and services page or get in touch with the team to arrange a platform demo.  

Behind The Scenes: How We Write Our Assessments

Assessments play a crucial role in evaluating a student’s knowledge and skills, especially in the medical field. At BPS Assessment, we understand the importance of creating high-quality assessments, which accurately assess student’s ability to prescribe medication safety and effectively. In this blog, we’ll take you behind the scenes, giving you a glimpse of how our team of experts crafts our assessments so that you have the best prescribing resources available for your students. 


Utilising Drug Bank Resources


The first step in crafting our assessments is to tap into the valuable resources available on the BPS Assessment platform, the Drug Bank. This comprehensive database provides our assessment writers with a wealth of information on medications, drug interactions, dosages, and more. Using the Drug Bank, our UK prescribing experts can create questions that accurately reflect the real-world scenarios you may encounter in your clinical practice.

Adhering to the PSA Blueprint


Each assessment question is created to adhere to the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment blueprint. This blueprint outlines the specific competencies and knowledge areas that are expected of foundation doctors and assesses 8 key areas. 


Our team ensures that every question we create closely adheres to these guidelines, covering a wide range of topics related to safe and effective prescribing; from prescription writing to drug monitoring and calculations. Each area is represented by an individual question item style in our assessments, highlighted in the graphic below: 


This alignment guarantees that your trainees are being assessed on the skills and knowledge that matter most in their future healthcare practice.


Peer Review for Quality Assurance


Quality is of paramount importance in assessment creation, which is why every question undergoes a rigorous peer review process. After our experts draft a question, it is carefully reviewed by a panel of experienced peers. This panel includes seasoned healthcare professionals and educators who possess a deep understanding of the PSA and its objectives. They assess each question for accuracy, relevance, and adherence to the PSA blueprint.


Author Revision and Finalisation


Based on the feedback from the peer review panel, the original author of the question revises it as necessary. This may involve refining the wording, adjusting the mark scheme, and enhancing the explanation of answers to ensure clarity. The goal is to create questions that are fair, challenging, and reflective of real-world prescribing scenarios.


By the time a question is finalised, it has undergone multiple iterations and revisions, guaranteeing that it meets the highest standards of quality and aligns perfectly with the PSA’s objectives.                           


Behind every successful assessment at BPS Assessment is a well-defined process that combines the expertise of UK prescribing experts, adherence to the PSA blueprint, and rigorous peer review. We take pride in our commitment to providing you with assessments that accurately assess prescribing skills, ensuring that candidates are well-prepared for the challenges of real-world clinical practice.


Utilising BPS Assessment resources can empower institutions to prepare their students, guiding them to reach a level of competence in prescribing medication that ensures both safety and effectiveness, thereby significantly reducing the risk of patient incidents arising from medication errors.

The Dacre Review: An Independent Review into the Prescribing Safety Assessment

The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) stands as a pivotal milestone in the journey of medical professionals, serving as a crucial evaluation of their competence in prescribing medications safely and effectively. Since 2017, it has been a mandatory part of the medical education curriculum, ensuring that junior doctors are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed and safe prescription decisions. 


Recent developments have placed the PSA under a spotlight, as the findings of the independent Dacre Review have shed new light on its structure, content, and overall impact. In this blog, we delve deeper into the Prescribing Safety Assessment, exploring its significance in medical education, and examine the key takeaways from the Dacre Review. 


Unearthing insights: Why the Dacre Review was commissioned


In 2022, the British Pharmacological Society and the Medical Schools Council jointly commissioned an extensive review of the PSA. The goal was to evaluate the exam’s effectiveness and determine its future direction. The review was overseen by top representatives from across the NHS and medical education programme in the UK, who under the chair of Professor Dame Jane Dacre, have proposed a set of recommendations for the exam. 


Headlines from the Review


The findings from the review can be boiled down to some key themes, we’ve summarised them below; 


Support for the Prescribing Safety Assessment 


The consensus among stakeholders and echoed by the oversight group is that there is widespread support for the PSA. Many understand that prescribing has changed and will continue to change with the introduction of new medications coupled with prescribing in an ageing population, giving rise to complex challenges which junior doctors need to be prepared for. This is where the exam not only presents an opportunity for students to assess their prescribing skills but also build their knowledge and confidence in prescribing before advancing in their careers. 


Impact of the Prescribing Safety Assessment  


The review not only focused on the exam’s effectiveness, but also considered its impact on both students and patients. The data suggests that the PSA is a robust tool for assessing prescribing competency and that since its implementation there has been little difference in the performance between medical schools and regions across the UK, an indication of its reliability.


Aside from the direct impact on students, there is evidence to suggest that the PSA also has had a positive effect on the safety of patients. Since the PSA was made mandatory in 2017, the percentage of medication-related patient safety incidents has reduced year-on-year.  


The Future of the Prescribing Safety Assessment  


The recommendations put forth by the Dacre Review mark a pivotal turning point for the future of the PSA. Among others, it highlights the need for sustained and equitable funding to ensure the PSA’s accessibility and continued improvement. As well as, better regulation and a more robust governance structure to enhance transparency and accountability, bringing together key stakeholders to guide its development and delivery. 


These recommendations collectively represent a promising vision for the PSA’s future, one that prioritises fairness, quality, and sustainability in assessing the prescribing competence of future healthcare professionals. The PSA is poised to evolve into a more effective and reliable assessment tool, forming an integral part of the medical education curriculum within the UK that is better equipped to prepare healthcare practitioners for the challenges of modern medicine.

Advancing Patient Safety and Prescribing Skills: A Webinar Series

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, patient safety remains a top priority, and the field of prescribing is no exception. At BPS Assessment we are dedicated to promoting safe and effective prescribing practices, and recently, teamed up with iGroup in Malaysia along with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) to host a series of enlightening webinars. These webinars were designed to shed light on the importance of prescribing safety and introduce the powerful tools that the BPS Assessment platform provides. In this blog, we will delve into the details of these webinars, showcasing the collaborative effort and valuable insights shared by experts in the field.


Collaboration Across Borders


The collaboration between BPS Assessment and iGroup, a prominent player in the Asian educational and library market, has been a significant step towards promoting prescribing safety and competence in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. iGroup is known for its association with Medicines Complete, which is a valuable resource provided by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. This connection allowed the webinars to present a comprehensive picture of tools and resources available for educators and students.


Wide-Reaching Audience


In order to reach out to a diverse audience, we launched two webinars as part of our joint initiative. The goal was to welcome participants from various locations covered by iGroup including Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Thailand. The first webinar held on October 24th was a huge success and we have another one scheduled for November 14th. These webinars are tailored towards the training needs of healthcare professionals and those involved in the teaching and practice of prescribing; including academic pharmacologists, prescribing educators, clinical educators, pharmacy educators, as well as medical and pharmacy students.


24th October Webinar: A Way Forward in Patient Safety


The first webinar, titled “A Way Forward in Patient Safety,” kicked off with a thought-provoking discussion on the importance of patient safety in clinical practice, emphasising the significance of starting with undergraduate education. The event delved into the rates of prescribing errors in the UK and various APAC countries, shedding light on the challenges faced in this crucial aspect of healthcare.


Solutions to address these challenges, particularly in prescribing training and assessment, were discussed, highlighting evidence of engagement and improvement in prescribing safety. The webinar included a walkthrough of the BPS Assessment platform, giving attendees a glimpse of the user journey and learning capabilities. Medicines Complete also had a presence, offering an overview of the tools they provide, such as the British National Formulary (BNF), which complements our prescribing skills assessments.


14th November Webinar: Teaching Tips for Prescribing Educators


The second webinar, titled “Teaching Tips for Prescribing Educators,” is set to delve deeper into the educational aspect of prescribing. It will explore the role and importance of a prescribing curriculum, emphasising the topics and expected competencies in prescribing for medical and pharmacy students.


Educators and presenters will share valuable tips on how to teach prescribing effectively and the different ways of assessing prescribing competency while giving examples of the success in prescribing education such as the UK’s National Pharmacology/Prescribing eLearning platform. As in the first webinar, this event also features a brief platform walkthrough, offering educators a glimpse of the platform’s capabilities and features.


The collaboration between BPS, RPS, and iGroup represents a significant step towards advancing patient safety and prescribing skills in the APAC region. These webinars provide a platform for experts to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and introduce valuable tools for educators and students. It’s clear that the commitment to enhancing patient safety through education and assessment is a shared mission, transcending borders and benefiting all those involved in the field of healthcare. With the knowledge and insights gained from these webinars, we can look forward to a safer and more competent generation of healthcare professionals in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.


Join us on the 14th of November to find out more about the BPS Assessment prescribing platform!

Putting prescribing centre stage: BPS Assessment at the World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology

The British Pharmacological Society (BPS) recently hosted the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP), the largest event in the pharmacology community. Held every four years, the conference brings together delegates from around the world to share research and engage in sessions about the latest advancements in the field of pharmacology.


Our team joined the hosts at the BPS stand to welcome delegates and showcase the capabilities of our online platform used by customers to enhance prescribing skills and knowledge through eLearning and assessment resources. 


Supporting prescribing in the Middle East 

We had the opportunity to contribute to the scientific programme, by hosting a special symposium for Middle East and GCC delegates, which focused on prescribing training and the challenges to prescribing practices within the region. The speakers included; 


  • His Excellency Professor Aws Alshamsan, Secretary General, Saudi Commission For Health Specialties, Saudi Arabia
  • Professor Sherief Khalifa, Vice Chancellor for Quality & Institutional Effectiveness, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Gulf Medical University, UAE
  • Professor Moustafa Fahmy, Dean of the Oman College of Health Sciences, Oman
  • Professor Dileep Rohra, Head of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia.
  • Professor Amal Fatani, Cultural Attaché, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in the United Kingdom
  • Professor Ismael Ibrahim Matalka, President, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, UAE
  • Professor Simon Maxwell, Director of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Teaching, University of Edinburgh, and PSA Medical Director


Further discussions focused on the need for better prescribing education for students and trainees through assessment and learning resources and how these improvements could be scaled across institutions in the Middle East.


Advancing prescribing in Australasia 

The team also met with customers from Australia and New Zealand to discuss the progress of the Prescribing Skills Assessment. The meeting provided an opportunity for delegates to come together and discuss strengthening the collaboration between Australasian medical schools and BPS Assessment. Discussions covered setting up local governance structures to support future summative exam delivery and focussed on creating an international partnership that will support the expansion of the Prescribing Skills Assessment in Australasia.


Meeting with existing and future customers 

Across the week, a number of our customers showcased their research findings through scientific posters. Partners from Koc University in Turkey and International Medical University in Malaysia were among the exhibitors, discussing their experiences with the Prescribing Skills Assessment and the positive impact it has had on prescribing knowledge and practices within their institutions.


The event was an excellent opportunity to connect with current and future customers while emphasising the significance of enhancing prescribing knowledge and skills in healthcare, particularly for emerging practitioners. 


We are thrilled that delegates who were able to attend enjoyed their time at the SEC, and we’re already anticipating the next meeting in 2026, which will be hosted by our colleagues at ASCEPT.

Gearing up for the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology

This year the British Pharmacological Society (BPS) welcomes the world’s pharmacology and therapeutics community to the 19th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (WCP). The event, which was planned to take place in 2022, but postponed due to COVID-19 considerations, will take place in Glasgow from 2-7 July. A cornerstone of the pharmacology events calendar, WCP will bring together experts from across nations in the interest of sharing their latest work and research in pharmacology. 


BPS Assessment will join the BPS at the main stand to take centre stage at the Scottish Events Campus. Read on to learn more about WCP23 and what BPS Assessment will be showcasing at the event.


What is the World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology? 

Following the 18th World Congress in Kyoto, WCP23 will take place in Glasgow in the heart of the science centre. The world renowned event celebrates advances in pharmacology and therapeutics and takes place over 6 days. The programme will feature 10 content themes and include 63 symposia, 23 keynote lectures, 18 workshops and 3 debates. Over 400 speakers and chairs have been carefully selected by the Scientific Organising Committee, bringing together top leaders and experts from  35 countries.  


How can you make the most of your time there? 

In addition to a packed scientific programme, the event also boasts a social programme showcasing the culture and hospitality of Scotland and with further opportunities to network and socialise with other world leading pharmacology experts. 

There is also a chance to experience the local surroundings. Glasgow has a whole host of attractions and sightseeing destinations for those who want to enjoy their free time away from the conference venue. Here are a few attractions to check out: 



Meet BPS Assessment while at WCP23

For those attending, BPS Assessment can be found at the main BPS stand, where the team will be ready to showcase the products and services on offer from the assessment and learning branch of the Society. Visit the stand and meet the team to learn more about the ways in which they are helping to improve prescribing. 


BPS Assessment will be hosting two satellite events. The first is for delegates from the Middle East and Gulf Cooperation Council countries.  At the event, senior figures in healthcare will review the current status of prescribing education and training in the region and will also present and discuss opportunities to improve prescribing skills. The opening address will be given by Dr Aws, Al-Shamsan, Secretary General of the Saudi Commission For Health Specialties.  


BPS Assessment will also be hosting colleagues from Australia and New Zealand to discuss progress on the development of a fully summative Australasian prescribing exam.


The Prescribing Skills Assessment 

Learn more about the Prescribing Skills Assessment, the flagship product which is being used by medical schools and organisations across the globe to improve prescribing competency among clinical trainees. The assessment, which is derived from the UK Prescribing Safety Assessment, features 8 questions styles that test a range of prescribing competencies, building understanding and knowledge of key concepts such as prescription writing and review, calculations and data interpretation.

eLearning courses 

There are also a whole host of eLearning resources available from BPS Assessment. Discover the courses on offer including Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Prescribing Skills, each consisting of over 20 individual online learning sessions with built-in knowledge check questions.

Platform licensing 

If you want the flexibility of writing your own questions for your students, you might consider a platform license with BPS Assessment. The online learning platform has a built-in authoring tool so that you can write, review and publish your own questions. Take advantage of the system’s drug bank where you can develop questions using hundreds of drug formulations. Organisations are using this built-in feature to build resources to support their curricula and develop training that fits with their own requirements.

Registration of WCP23 is open so visit the WCP website to get your tickets today. Why not get in touch and book an appointment to meet with the BPS Assessment team ahead of the congress to learn how these products and services could help your organisation improve prescribing. Contact us today!

BPS Assessment expands its reach
with Online Bilgi partnership

We are pleased to share the news that BPS Assessment, the learning and assessment branch of the British Pharmacological Society, has signed a sales agreement with Online Bilgi.


This new partnership will help us introduce our prescribing and pharmacology products and services to medical schools and healthcare institutions in Turkey, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and CIS countries.

“By partnering with Online Bilgi and increasing our reach in these key regions, we will be able to support many more medical students, pharmacists and prescribers to improve medication safety through our valuable online learning and assessment resources.”
Alex Fox
Sales Director, BPS Assessment
Online Bilgi have 35 years of experience connecting international publishers with the institutions who will benefit from their content. They have worked with over 30 publishers, including BMJ and the American Institute of Physics. Online Bilgi’s offices are located in Istanbul and Ankara.
“We are very excited to partner with such an esteemed organisation. Our team is looking forward to promoting BPS Assessment services.”
Mehmet Haseki
Board Member, Online Bilgi

This is an important step for BPS Assessment in expanding access to its products and services to international medical schools and healthcare organisations.

We look forward to working with Online Bilgi to connect educators, students and professionals alike with eLearning and assessment tools that will help them measure and develop prescribing competencies, with the ultimate goal of improving patient safety.


If you would like more information about our new partnership, please contact us. Alternatively, visit our products and services page to find out more about what we offer.

Independent Review of Prescribing Safety Assessment is published

An independent review of the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) has found that it increases the attention paid by students and faculty to accurate prescribing, and allows them to demonstrate competencies in the safe and effective use of medicines. According to the report’s author, the assessment will contribute to patient safety and reduce harm in the years to come. The Prescribing Safety Assessment inspired the international BPS Assessment platform.

The PSA is the online assessment of competency in the safe and effective prescribing of medicines, taken by final-year medical students and by overseas graduates coming to the UK to work as Foundation Year 1 doctors. It is led by the British Pharmacological Society and MSC Assessment and has received additional funding from Health Education England and NHS Education Scotland.

The assessment was created after a 2009 study from the General Medical Council found that 9% of hospital prescriptions contained errors. Subsequent research also showed that prescribing is the area of the Foundation Doctor role which graduates find the most challenging.  The PSA was developed to address this problem and has been compulsory for all new doctors since 2016.

The review was conducted by Professor John McLachlan, Professor of Medical Education in the School of Medicine at the University of Central Lancashire. He said:

“I’m pleased to be able to confirm that it is a high-quality process that will undoubtedly contribute to patient safety in the future.”

The independent review found that the processes underlying the assessment’s development, standard setting and delivery are of a high standard, and comparable with other national level tests.

Professor David Webb, Co-Chair of the Prescribing Safety Assessment Executive and past President of the British Pharmacological Society, said:

“This independent review of the Prescribing Safety Assessment confirms the benefits of creating a robust process for producing items and running assessments. Taking the report’s recommendations into account, and after years of investment, it is reassuring to know that the assessment is not only an excellent measure of competency in safe prescribing, but also that it will help ensure patient safety in the years to come.”

Professor Jenny Higham, Co-Chair of the PSA Executive, Chair of the Medical Schools Council and member of the MSC Assessment Board, said:

“The Prescribing Safety Assessment’s development shows the success of UK medical schools in pooling their expertise to a common goal. We are delighted that students have reported the positive educational impact the Prescribing Safety Assessment has had on their prescribing knowledge. This review confirms its strength as an assessment.”

Today the Lancet published a comment by Professor Simon Maxwell – Medical Director of the PSA – and Professor David Webb, highlighting the role of the PSA  in improving medication safety,

Read the independent review