BPS Assessment have worked in partnership with the University of Manchester to develop an electronic prescribing system that empowers medical students to improve their prescribing skills and confidence ahead of their exams.


By integrating our online platform with their in-house learning management system, the team at the University of Manchester have been able to create their own content, tailoring prescribing questions to their curriculum and bringing everything into one easy-to-use online platform.


With this new API, the team at Manchester can now provide the University’s medical students with opportunities to practise electronic prescribing in a safe environment without negative impacts on clinical care. They benefit from automatic marking, remote learning opportunities, and tailored feedback on both correct and incorrect answers.


“The prescribing & medicines safety and eLearning teams have made fantastic progress in collaboration with BPS Assessment. This ground-breaking work paves a new path to successful integration of electronic prescribing into teaching, learning and assessment as our students’ progress through their clinical years. For the first time, we can integrate key skills required for practice in 21st century electronic healthcare directly into our case-based learning throughout our course and do so in a way that is safe, realistic and will be valued by tutors and students.”

Professor Kurt Wilson, Academic Lead for Prescribing and Medicines Safety, University of Manchester


Students on the University of Manchester’s programme will gain valuable hands-on experience of electronic prescribing systems during their clinical years, preparing them for their local medical school assessments and the national PSA exam in their final year.


“I’m excited to see this new, tailored prescribing education content in action at the University of Manchester. Collaborations like this should have a really positive impact on prescribing safety around the country, as more and more newly qualified prescribers enter the workforce having had the opportunity to get realistic hands-on prescribing practice with cases that simulate the challenges they will face in the workplace. Manchester’s medical students are getting a real head start in preparing for their final year assessments, as well as gaining valuable experience of electronic prescribing systems and real-life prescribing challenges. I look forward to seeing more collaborations like this one in the future.”

Professor Simon Maxwell, PSA Medical Director


To find out more about our customisable prescribing assessment and eLearning platform, visit this page or contact the team – we’d be happy to share more information about the work we’ve been doing to bring tailored prescribing education content to medical schools all over the world.

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